Mouse iPSC general culture protocol
PMEF media
- 450mL DMEM
- 50mL FBS
- 5mL L-glut (200mM)
- 5mL Pen/Strep (100X)
Sterile filter into 500mL bottle and store at 4C. Good for 6 months. Keep a 50mL tube for easier warming.
ES culture media (ESCM)
- 780mL DMEM
- 200mL ES-qualified FBS
- 10mL NEAA (100X)
- 10mL Nucleosides (100X)
- 1mL Pen/Strep (1000X)
Prepare and sterile filter into 1L bottle. Make 50mL aliquots. Good for 6 months.
- 50mL ESCM
- 500uL L-glut
- 50uL CHIR99021 inhibitor (3mM, aliquots in –20C box)
- 50uL PD0325901 (1mM, aliquots in –20C box)
- 50uL mLIF (1e6 Units/mL)
- 50uL B-ME (1000X working stock)
Prepare and carefully invert to mix. Stable for 2wks at 4C.
iPSC freezing media
50% FBS + 40% base media (ESCM, SFES, or PMEF) + 10% DMSO
Prepare as needed. Can store at 4C up to a month.
STOP buffer
50% FBS + 50% IMDM
Thaw an aliquot of regular FBS (25mL) and add 25mL IMDM. Invert to mix. Store at 4C.
mPSC reprogramming media
- 395mL DMEM/F-12
- 100mL KnockOut Serum Replacement
- 5mL NEAA (100X)
- 500uL B-ME working stock (1000X, final concentration 55uM)
- 500uL mLIF (1e6 Units/mL)
Sterile filter into 500mL bottle and store at 4C. Good for up to 3wks. Can keep a 50mL tube for easier warming.
SFES base media
- 500mL DMEM/F-12
- 500mL Neurobasal media
- 6.7mL BSA (7.5%)
- 1mL Pen/Strep (1000X)
- 10mL B27 supplement (1 vial, stored –20C)
- 5mL N2 supplement (1 vial, stored –20C)
Sterile filter into 1L bottle. Make 50mL aliquots and store protected from light. Good at 4C for 6 months.
2i media
- 50mL SFES base media
- 500uL L-glut (200mM, aliquots in ES inhibitors box at –20C)
- 50uL CHIR99021 inhibitor (3mM, aliquots in –20C box)
- 50uL PD0325901 (1mM, aliquots in –20C box)
- 50uL mLIF (1e6 Units/mL)
- 0.63uL Monothioglycerol (MTG, kept in TC hood)
Prepare and carefully invert to mix. Stable for 2wks at 4C.
Media + hygro
Add 2.8uL hygro working stock (50mg/mL) for every 1mL media. Final concentration is 140ug/mL. Store at 4C (can keep for as long as you would the base media).