Genotyping HSC-derived colonies by barcoded NGS
Single HSC Genotyping
- Sort Single HSC in Methocult in 96 well plate. One HSC per well. After 12-14 days observe colony formation.
- Individual colonies can be collected from the plate by adding 200ul DPBS in each well and collect in Eppendorf.
- Spin down slowly (1500 rpm x 5 min) and wash cell pellet with 200uL DPBS.
- Spin down and resuspend in lysis buffer for DNA isolation.
- For each sample, need 50uL Viagen Lysis reagent + 1uL Proteinase K
- Place tubes in 56°C water bath for 20 min followed by 95°C incubation for 10 min.
- Store DNA long term at –20C.
Perform 2-step PCRs
- Use the isolated genomic DNA, setup the first “adaptor PCR” to amplify the target region.
- Use EconoTaq high-fidelity polymerase and run the program for 25-30 cycles (cycle # and Anneal temp will depend on primer set optimization)
- Setup 20uL reactions: 10ul 2x EconoTaq MM + 1uL each primer (20uM) + 1-2uL DNA template + NF-H2O up to 20uL
- PCR program: 94C x 2min -> [94C x 15 sec – 55C x 15sec – 72C x 40 sec] -> 72C x 5 min -> hold 4C
- Use EconoTaq high-fidelity polymerase and run the program for 25-30 cycles (cycle # and Anneal temp will depend on primer set optimization)
- Purify product from adaptor PCR using Sera magnetic beads.
- Add 1.8x volume of beads per reaction, mix well and incubate @RT for 10mins
- Place the PCR tubes on magnet and wait for 2 mins and discard the supernatant.
- Wash twice using 200ul of 80% ethanol and airdry beads for 5mins.
- Take the tubes from magnetic stand and add 15ul water to the beads for elution and incubate for 10mins.
- Elute the sample and use the purified sample for second set of PCR.
- Setup the 2nd “index PCR” using 2uL purified product from adaptor PCR.
- Each sample will have its own unique F index primer based on the indexes.
- All samples will have universal R primer (JM 890)
- Use EconoTaq polymerase and run program for 12 cycles
- Setup 20uL reaction: 10uL 2x EconoTaq MM + 7.6uL NF-H2O + 0.2uL each primer (universal paired end and index, 100uM) + 2uL purified PCR-1
- PCR program: 94C x 1min -> [94C x 30 sec – 60C x 30sec – 72C x 40 sec] -> 72C x 5 min -> hold 4C
- Each sample will have its own unique F index primer based on the indexes.
- Add 2uL 6x loading dye to each sample and load 5ul to the 1.5% agarose gel and check for the right size bands.
- Pool all the remaining samples together (different index) and load in a separate gel.
- Extract indexed samples from the gel by removing bands in the correct size range using the UV light and a scalpel—transfer each gel slice to a labeled Eppendorf tube
- Weigh all the samples as well as an empty tube to determine the mass of each gel slice and calculate the volume of NT1 to be used.
- Perform gel purification via Takara cleanup kit, eluting 15uL in water at the last step.
- Measure concentrations of indexed samples using the NanoDrop.
The SIC recommends increasing the target concentration by 3-fold to alleviate discrepancies
- Calculate sample dilutions required to get equal pooling with the final concentration of 1.8ng/ul per sample.
- Dilute each sample to 10nM in 20uL H2O and Combine equal volumes of diluted sample to 20uL.
- The sample can be stored at –20C at this step if needed or directly submit samples to MiSeq spike-in cooperative (SIC).