CITE-seq. antibody staining protocol

December 2022

  1. Whole bone crushed or use pelvic and hind limbs to spin down
  2. Stain cells from each sample using antibody cocktails in 600µl staining media:
    • APC, cKit, 1:200
    • FITC, CD45.2, 1:200 (optional)
    • PE-Cy7, Ter119, 1:500 (if LK)
    • PE-Cy7, B220, 1:500 (if LK)
    • PE-Cy7, CD3, 1:500 (if LK)
    • PE-Cy7, Gr1, 1:500 (if LK)
    • Biotin, Sca-1, 1:200 (if LSK)
  3. Wash and spin down
  4. Stain cells with anti-APC nanobeads: 1:20 in 600µl staining media
  5. Wash and spin down
  6. C-kit selection using column
  7. Spin down, stain with DAPI, and filter for sort
  8. Yield sort 250K cells of interest into 1.5ml Eppendorf tube with 100µl staining media
  9. Spin down in bucket centrifuge and observe pellets
  10. Make 30µl TotalSeq antibody cocktail per sample: 0.5µl of each antibody and adjust final volume with staining media
Cocktail for Kit+ cells
  • C-kit
  • Sca-1
  • CD150
  • CD48
  • CD201
  • CD41
  • CD34
  • B220
  • Gr1
  • CD11b
  • CD16/32
  • CD127
  • CD135
  • Hashtag 1 or 2
Cocktail for LK cells
  • C-kit
  • Sca-1
  • CD150
  • CD48
  • CD201
  • CD41
  • CD34
  • CD16/32
  • CD127
  • CD135
  • Hashtag 1 or 2
Cocktail for LSK cells
  • C-kit
  • Anti-biotin PE
  • CD150
  • CD48
  • CD201
  • CD41
  • CD34
  • CD127
  • CD135
  • Hashtag 1 or 2

For example, if 4 genotypes and 2 biological replicates per genotype for LK cells:

Prepare Hashtag 1 master mix for 4 samples:

  • 22µl antibody: 2µl of each antibody, 10 different antibodies and Hashtag 1
  • 98µl staining media
  • 120µl total

Prepare Hashtag 2 master mix for 4 samples:

  • 22µl antibody: 2µl of each antibody, 10 different antibodies and Hashtag 1
  • 98µl staining media
  • 120µl total
  1. Add ~28µl master mix to each tube of sorted cells and gently resuspend to mix
  2. Incubate on ice for 30min
  3. Add 1ml of staining media to wash
  4. Spin down and remove supernatant
  5. Add 1ml of staining media to wash again
  6. Spin down and remove supernatant
  7. Resuspend cells in 200µl of staining media with DAPI
  8. Combine cells with Hashtags 1 and 2 from the same genotype, if applicable
  9. Purity sort 100K cells into 300µl PBS + 0.01% RNase-free BSA in Eppendorf tube
  10. Spin down and pipet out supernatant, leaving ~100µl for 1000 cells/µl
  11. If there are plenty of cells, stain 10µl cells with 10µl Trypan blue to check recovered cell numbers and viability
TotalSeq B antibody list
NameCat #Barcode Sequence