CITE-seq. antibody staining protocol
December 2022
- Whole bone crushed or use pelvic and hind limbs to spin down
- Stain cells from each sample using antibody cocktails in 600µl staining media:
• APC, cKit, 1:200
• FITC, CD45.2, 1:200 (optional)
• PE-Cy7, Ter119, 1:500 (if LK)
• PE-Cy7, B220, 1:500 (if LK)
• PE-Cy7, CD3, 1:500 (if LK)
• PE-Cy7, Gr1, 1:500 (if LK)
• Biotin, Sca-1, 1:200 (if LSK) - Wash and spin down
- Stain cells with anti-APC nanobeads: 1:20 in 600µl staining media
- Wash and spin down
- C-kit selection using column
- Spin down, stain with DAPI, and filter for sort
- Yield sort 250K cells of interest into 1.5ml Eppendorf tube with 100µl staining media
- Spin down in bucket centrifuge and observe pellets
- Make 30µl TotalSeq antibody cocktail per sample: 0.5µl of each antibody and adjust final volume with staining media
Cocktail for Kit+ cells
- C-kit
- Sca-1
- CD150
- CD48
- CD201
- CD41
- CD34
- B220
- Gr1
- CD11b
- CD16/32
- CD127
- CD135
- Hashtag 1 or 2
Cocktail for LK cells
- C-kit
- Sca-1
- CD150
- CD48
- CD201
- CD41
- CD34
- CD16/32
- CD127
- CD135
- Hashtag 1 or 2
Cocktail for LSK cells
- C-kit
- Anti-biotin PE
- CD150
- CD48
- CD201
- CD41
- CD34
- CD127
- CD135
- Hashtag 1 or 2
For example, if 4 genotypes and 2 biological replicates per genotype for LK cells:
Prepare Hashtag 1 master mix for 4 samples:
- 22µl antibody: 2µl of each antibody, 10 different antibodies and Hashtag 1
- 98µl staining media
- 120µl total
Prepare Hashtag 2 master mix for 4 samples:
- 22µl antibody: 2µl of each antibody, 10 different antibodies and Hashtag 1
- 98µl staining media
- 120µl total
- Add ~28µl master mix to each tube of sorted cells and gently resuspend to mix
- Incubate on ice for 30min
- Add 1ml of staining media to wash
- Spin down and remove supernatant
- Add 1ml of staining media to wash again
- Spin down and remove supernatant
- Resuspend cells in 200µl of staining media with DAPI
- Combine cells with Hashtags 1 and 2 from the same genotype, if applicable
- Purity sort 100K cells into 300µl PBS + 0.01% RNase-free BSA in Eppendorf tube
- Spin down and pipet out supernatant, leaving ~100µl for 1000 cells/µl
- If there are plenty of cells, stain 10µl cells with 10µl Trypan blue to check recovered cell numbers and viability
TotalSeq B antibody list
Name | Cat # | Barcode Sequence |
Hashtag 1 | 155831 | ACCCACCAGTAAGAC |
Hashtag 2 | 155833 | GGTCGAGAGCATTCA |
CD117 | 105849 | TGCATGTCATCGGTG |
Sca1 | 108149 | TTCCTTTCCTACGCA |
CD150 | 115951 | CAACGCCTAGAAACC |
CD201 | 141511 | TATGATCTGCCCTTG |
B220 | 103271 | CCTACACCTCATAAT |
Gr1 | 108465 | TAGTGTATGGACACG |
CD11b | 101273 | TGAAGGCTCATTTGT |
CD16/32 | 101345 | TTCGATGCTGGAGCA |
CD127 | 135055 | GTGTGAGGCACTCTT |
CD135 | 135319 | GTAGCAAGATTCAAG |