B/T lymphopoiesis potential assay protocol
Culture base media: α-MEM + 20% FBS + 1% Pen/Strep
B cell assay
- OP9
- Base media + 10ng/ml Flt3L + 10ng/ml IL-7
Day -1:
- Seed 12.5K cells per well of 96-well flat-bottomed plate in 150µl base media
- Preferably 100% confluence so that sorted cells do not differentiation on plate
Day 0:
- Sort cells (1 HSC) into each well directly
- Add 100µl media per well with 2.5x cytokines
- Change media every 4 days by gently removing 100µl and adding 100µl media with 1x cytokines
Analysis: 12-15 days for HSCs
- Lay out FACS tubes in a 96-well configuration and cover all tubes with a piece of 100µm filter
- Pipette samples through filter with an automatic pipette
- Analyze by flow cytometry
- CD45.2: AF700
- CD19: APC
- B220: FITC
T cell assay
- OP9-delta
- Base media + 5ng/ml Flt3L + 5ng/ml IL-7
Day -1:
- Seed 12.5K cells per well of 96-well flat-bottomed plate in 150µl base media
- Preferably 100% confluence so that sorted cells do not differentiation on plate
Day 0:
- Sort cells (1 HSC) into each well directly
- Add 100µl media per well with 2.5x cytokines
- Change media every 4 days by gently removing 100µl and adding 100µl media with 1x cytokines
Analysis: 28 days for HSCs
- Lay out FACS tubes in a 96-well configuration and cover all tubes with a piece of 100µm filter
- Pipette samples through filter with an automatic pipette
- Analyze by flow cytometry
- CD45.2: AF700
- CD4: APC
- CD8a: FITC